Update: New code using Battle.net’s REST API can be found here.

For the people that play World of Warcraft, you know there is a great site made by Blizzard that keeps all your characters and guild information called the armory. If you take a good look at the site you will see its XML being formatted by XSLT. This is really great for people that want to script something to pull data from the armory because XML is really easy to parse.

The idea of this code is to form the URL path and pull the XML to parse out the data we want. This code is just going to pull level 80s (max level at time of writing this) from a guilds list. You can take this further and start pulling data per character from that list but this is just to get you started. I am using Ruby because I’m trying to learn the ins and outs of it, but the same can be done in Python or any other languages that can handle downloading and parsing XML.

require 'net/http'
require 'rexml/document'
include REXML
def get_xml_page(strRealm, strGuildName)
oresp = Net::HTTP.start( "www.wowarmory.com") do |http|
http.get( "/guild-info.xml?r=#{strRealm}&n=#{strGuildName}",
{ 'user-agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20070515 Firefox/'})
return oresp
def get_guild_info(xmlPage)
str_max_level = '80'
info_array = []
odoc = REXML::Document.new xmlPage.body
odoc.elements.each( '*//character') do |oElement|
if oElement.attributes['level'] == str_max_level
info_array << [oElement.attributes['name'],oElement.attributes['level'], oElement.attributes['classId']]
return info_array
def get_class_name(classId)
case classId
when "1"
return "Warrior"
when "2"
return "Paladin"
when "3"
return "Hunter"
when "4"
return "Rogue"
when "5"
return "Priest"
when "6"
return "Death Knight"
when "7"
return "Shaman"
when "8"
return "Mage"
when "9"
return "Warlock"
when "11"
return "Druid"
return "ERROR:#{classId}"
str_realm = 'Staghelm'
str_guild_name = "Controlled+Chaos"
xml_page = get_xml_page(str_realm, str_guild_name)
character_list = get_guild_info(xml_page)
puts "#{character_list.length} Character Found!"
puts "-------------------------"
character_list.sort.each { |character| puts "%-20s%-10s%s" %[character[0],character[1],get_class_name(character[2])]}
puts "-------------------------"
view raw wow_xml.ruby hosted with ❤ by GitHub

This will out put a nice list of all the level 80 toons and their class that are within the guild. I’m sure there is a better way to do this and I would love to know, so if you know please leave a comment. Feedback is welcome as well!