Google Fi

In my last posting, I talked about bringing a book on my trip to Italy and nothing about the technology that I brought. This was a clever (not really) way to be able to talk about Clojure and “Clojure for the Brave and True” but being who I am, I did bring some technology with me on my trip. I would like to talk about one of them that I feel is a real timesaver and a huge advantage when I travel, and that is Google Fi.
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For the Brave and True

In my last post, I said I was in Italy on vacation and you may be thinking to yourself (most likely not, but just go with it) “what high tech gizmos did he bring with him on his travels?” and I would happily reply “A book!”, yes a paper book. Being a software developer, I have access to tons of technology, more so when it comes to paper book replacements but there is just something about a real book that makes reading and learning for me better than using a computer, tablet, or doohickey.
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Not All Who Wander Are Lost

As I sit here in Venice on my vacation, I figure this would be a great time to dust off my blog. I haven’t put much time into it lately, I find myself wanting to write when I have a good balance with work and life with some learning on the side. Sadly, this balance has been missing for a bit, which leads us into a bit of a back story, the details are not important but the overall experiences that I gained are.
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