A Sip of Elixir
If you’ve read any significant amount of my blog you’ve probably realized that I’m fascinated with programming languages; more precisely the syntax, the community, and the purpose of the language. Elixir happens to be one of these languages that has recently caught my attention.
I love the ideas functional programming brings and how you to solve problems as a result of those ideas. One of the things that functional programming is helping people to solve is how to get the most out of systems that have multiple cores.
Project Euler 001
Made this posting sometime ago but I’ve been forgetting to actually post it. When I was looking up some information on Scala I found a great video tutorial on youtube made by MadocDoyu, which can be found here. In part of the video he introduces the Project Euler, this project seems really interesting. I plan on solving problems time to time using many of the languages I have looked at. I’m hoping this will keep my skills in these languages up to date.