Docker and Dokku, My Weekend Discovery

I’m primarily a Software Developer but I still have a great passion for System Administration. I work with Linux based systems now but if you look at some of my older postings you will find that I have done some work on FreeBSD and OpenSolaris. One of the things that really drove me to FreeBSD and OpenSolaris was their idea of Operating system-level virtualization, FreeBSD with Jails and OpenSolaris with Zones.
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Small updates

Nothing too big but I did some small updates to two of my projects; and Nodejs map example. Node.js Geolocation Map Example This is a project that I did awhile ago when learning node.js. Because things are new in the node.js world, the libraries update often and the ones I used (Mostly did change and needed some updates to get it working again with the newer versions. I also wanted to move the hosting from dotCloud to Heroku, the new address is at http://nodejsmapexample.
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Loggly Archives into MongoDB

Loggly is a great cloud service for managing log files from servers or many servers. It’s also an add-on for your Heroku hosted app. Loggly comes in different tiers from a free to monthly service based on how much data you store on Loggly servers. Being cheap, I have picked the free tier for as it’s not a mission critical app and I don’t have tons of logs. One of the coolest things I like about Loggly is they do ‘Log Archiving’ on Amazon’s S3 for you.
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My experience with Heroku

I haven’t done too much publishing of web applications for my own stuff. At work we have an Ops team that deals with setup and deployment of our code. I have used Rackspace cloud and AWS for setting up servers before but mostly just for testing and nothing for production. As a developer I want to focus on the code and not fine tune an application server. I want to be able to write code, push it out and scale without putting much thought in to it.
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