Setting Up GPG Signature Verification for Github
GPG stands for GNU Privacy Guard, it’s a public-key cryptography that can be used to digitally sign items like commits in Git. GPG provides a lot more functionality, but let’s go into why you would want to digitally sign your Git commits. Git does not have any way to validate the author of a commit. When setting up a Git client on your system you are able to use any email address you desire.
Steps for moving a project over from SVN to Git
Now that we are fully using Git at work one of my tasks has been to move some of our old projects over to using Git. There are some different ways you can go about doing this, you can simply do a SVN export of the project and make a new git repository from it. I don’t prefer this method because you lose the commit history. The way below is a way to maintain all the history from the SVN repository.
Setting up a remote Git repository
I been trying to use Git more and more to help me learn it. My first step was using it for the pre on this blog but I have also been using it on some small projects I been work on for myself. Git works just fine locally and still is able to use all the features it has but to really take advantage of Git you need to setup a remote repository and here is how to do it.
Git, GitHub and “Mastering Git” videos
I have always heard good things about Git, how its solves a lot of problem other version control system have along with being very fast. Sadly, at my past jobs, we only used SVN and never really had good workflow as the developers would all work on separate projects. I started looking into Git on and off, it’s hard to fully learn something you know that you are not going to be able to use in your group.