Amazon Simple Workflow Services

I’ve been researching Amazon Simple Workflow Services. This is a product which is like Simple Queuing Services but on steroids. It allows you to develop complex workflows that you’re able to scale out each part of the workflow as you need. There are a number of used cases on their site, one that managed to catch my eye is NASA. They are using Amazon Simple Workflow to process images captured by the Mars Exploration Rovers.
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DynamoDB, Amazon’s scalable NoSQL database

One of the things that really gets me excited about my new job is being able to use new technology. Sure, sometimes new technology is risky but I see groups befitting more then failing due to using newer technology. As always when talking about new technology, NoSQL seems to come up because there are a good number of people switching parts (or all) of their application to use NoSQL databases to get by limits or to help with scalability issues.
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SQS, Amazon’s Simple Queue Service with Node.js and Ruby

I’ve been really taking interest in the Amazon Web Services and trying to learn how to use them best I can. I really do find the Amazon Web Services a great set of tools that let you work with very scaleable services, but one thing you need to keep in mind is they are very “sticky”. What I mean by sticky is once you fully integrate your applications into using them you are most likely not going to be switching any time soon.
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Playing around with Amazon SNS in Ruby

For a upcoming Ruby project that I plan on working on I want to be able to send small messages to myself with information from a form that gets filled out. Amazon has just updated Simple Notification Service to be able to send SMS messages along with emails. This fits in perfectly with what I’m looking for. Looking on Amazon’s Github page for the aws-sdk gem I didn’t see any sample code for using SNS and googling I couldn’t find any right away.
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